Electronics are ubiquitous and an important aspect of everyday life - often an integral part of the products we use. The main objective of the Embedded Systems for Design module is for students to gain a basic theoretical understanding and have hands-on experience with programmable ‘single-chip computers’ to be embedded within products, with a view to enabling specific functionalities and enhancing the user experience. Practical labs in first term pave the way to the second term project, where students get to individually design and fabricate a ‘smart’ product of their choosing, with custom electronics embedded in it. Each student is completely in charge of their own Embedded Systems project, providing a good opportunity for developing further project and time management skills, There is room for collaboration among students on this module too, with some of the best student submissions featuring in Made in Brunel over the years.


Electronics are ubiquitous and an important aspect of everyday life - often an integral part of the products we use. The main objective of the Embedded Systems for Design module is for students to gain a basic theoretical understanding and have hands-on experience with programmable ‘single-chip computers’ to be embedded within products, with a view to enabling specific functionalities and enhancing the user experience. Practical labs in first term pave the way to the second term project, where students get to individually design and fabricate a ‘smart’ product of their choosing, with custom electronics embedded in it. Each student is completely in charge of their own Embedded Systems project, providing a good opportunity for developing further project and time management skills, There is room for collaboration among students on this module too, with some of the best student submissions featuring in Made in Brunel over the years.

CPR Teddy Bear
The CPR Teddy Bear allows children to learn CPR techniques and rhythms without being as intimidating as a traditional CPR mannequin
Pippa Copeland
Desktop Climate Control
Desktop Climate Control allows office workers to customise the air temperature in their work space without disturbing other office workers.
Jonathan James
Herb Incubator
Autonomously monitor and maintain herbs or small pants in a controlled environment to maximise growth during the key early stages.
Peter Bushell
Low Ridah
An electric mobility scooter converted to use power steering and other features using a custom-made circuit and controlled via a joystick
Vasily Parshin
Plant Grow Station
The plant growing station assists the user to grow plants more effectively, by measuring and displaying information about the plant.
Evelyn Harris
Powered Respirator
This is a powered air purifying respirator which assists the user’s breathing by measuring mask pressure and adjusting fan speed to decrease breathing resistance for medical or industrial applications.
Seb Parker
Self - Watering Tool
A device used in greenhouses to monitor growing conditions, to change the frequency of the watering process to provide optimum growth for plants.
David Paling
Sun Cream Dispenser
A dispenser for public venues which dispenses portions of sun-cream. It measures the UV intensity from the sun, and warns users of high UV levels, encouraging them to get sun-cream.
George Farren
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